
New/ Ongoing Referrals
Your doctor may feel that you need a referral to a different service. If they do this will be discussed with you during an appointment.
Only clinitians are able to raise new referrals but if you have any queries about ongoing referrals please see out contact us page on how best to get in touch with our secretaries. Please note,
Unfortunately our secretaries are not able to chase every referral sue to long wait times. Please see how to chase an ongoing referral for yourself, below.
NHS e-Referral Tracking
If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.
You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password – this will be on the second page of your letter
To track an e-Referral, click here.

Waiting Time
We understand that waiting for an appointment once you have been referred can be fustrating.
To try and help please see here for the waiting times for the services in the area. The one's we refer to most are Royal Derby Hospital and Nottingham Hospitals
On this page there are also telephone numbers for some services if you have any questions about your appointment or wait time. A number for the service that you are being referred to can also be found on your original referral paperwork.
Self Referral For Local Services
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP, however, there are a number of services locally, listed below that you are able to make self-referrals to.